"Hi Kevin, please meet my friend Sumana. She's the one I told you about who... "Seem familiar? Our CEO thinks she sends 5-10 of those a week.
And last week a friend of hers got the opportunity to make some serious cash from an email they would've sent anyhow, because they introduced a contact/friend to one of the companies on the SoundGTM platform. If that deal becomes qualified, they could get a few hundred bucks - and a few thousand if they close.
Stay Up-to-Date on Money-Making Opportunities
Here's how to stay up-to-date so you can make money from intros you're already making:
Make sure emails from SoundGTM aren't going to your spam folder - we send out weekly updates with new offers from companies
Come into the platform periodically to see if there are companies that fit your network (e.g., look at the martech, SaaS, and C-suite tags to find the offers most appropriate to yours if you're a CMO)
When something looks interesting, enroll in the offer and review the materials & how to execute the introduction
Some companies will have a lead gen/demo request form and/or scheduler for you/your contact to use to set up the meeting
Others will have a lead registration form with instructions on how to send the intro email
Do the introduction, sit back, and let them take it from there. If your contact hits the success criteria, you'll get paid 🤑

It's That Simple
That's it. Essentially, you get paid for doing the intro you would've done anyhow.
A Little Tip
A little tip - it's good to let people know you have a little skin in the game when you do this. You might say something like, "I would've made this intro no matter what, but I went through SoundGTM and will get some $ if things go well. No pressure at all, though."